
Hotel Van Zandt Guest Bathroom

Hotel Van Zandt Guest Bathroom


Hotel Van Zandt Guest Bathroom

For the Hotel Van Zandt in Austin, Texas, designer Mark Zeff was tapped to create an eclectic homage to the self-proclaimed “Live Music Capitol of the World.” Collections of classic vinyl, vintage radios, and posters from local clubs play out the soulful themes. The hotel was named after the late Townes Van Zandt, himself a folk rock artist, whose last album, No Deeper Blue, inspired the moody hues that punctuate the color scheme.

Cement tile creates a feature wall in the bathroom of a penthouse suite, and marble tile floors allow it to retain top billing. A giant soaking tub is the perfect refuge after an evening of music-going in town.

Photographer Eric Laignel

project : GrandBlazer

project : Tile

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